Puffle Fluff Dragons update

7 min read

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pie-lord's avatar
I have started doing some more work on the Puffle's and have put together a bit of a reference sheet so people can see what makes up a Puffle.

Sketch Puffle Fluff ref by pie-lord   Puff Puff by pie-lord
I am going to put the info in this journal for now and this is just stuff on the Puffle Fluff's as I have yet to fully develop their world yet. I will update this as I think of more stuff to put down, for now this is what I have.

A Puffle Fluff dragon adult reaches the knees on the average human adult although there is a rare gene mutation that causes them to grow slightly larger bringing them to the upper thigh/groin area. Their bodies are rather compact with short thick legs and well rounded full bellies, they are also covered in fluffy fur that sticks up in tufts. This fur is never the same colour as the flesh of the dragons and is always only one colour where as the skin can have markings or multiple colours. They typically have no fur on their tails, heads or legs but the mutated Puffle Fluff dragons produce a a mane of fur in place of horns that runs from the middle of the head starting at the brow ridges and going backwards and connecting to the main body fur as well as tufting in an almost beard like fashion beneath the neck.

The heads of Puffle Fluff dragons are always rounded but the length of their snout and beak can be long or short, the upper portion of the snout, beak and jaw rest over the bottom and have jagged edges which cover their small yet sharp teeth. They typically hunt small mammals and will hunt larger prey should they live among a family group. The brow ridge can be prominent or smooth and the inside of the mouth as well as the tongue and gums is pink to pale red. The eyes can come in any colour but having eyes of different colour or both eyes sharing two colours i.e a ring of yellow around the pupil with a ring of red around the yellow, is very rare. The shape of the eye determines the natures of the Puffle Fluff dragons, large and rounded will result in a curious, playful and joyful dragon while a slanted eye produces a reserved and serious dragon that is prone to displays of aggression. Despite the eye shape the pupil is always large.

All non mutated Puffle Fluff dragons possess full horns, the giant gene produces hornless offspring. These horns range from curved ram like horns, swept back horns and the up curved horns. In all cases the horns will be the same colour as the wings it is also not unusual for a Puffle Fluff to be missing a horn or have a broken horn, displays of strength are a part of the mating ritual.

Puffle Fluff tails come typically in three variations: pebbled which has two to three pebbled spike studs, spiked which has two to four spikes at the tip of the tail and the spade the exception to these is the giant gene which produces a tail with no spikes or spade. The spikes and pebbles will always be the same colour as the claws of the dragon which can be black, white or bone yellow. Their wings come in feathered and leather and are always one colour and is the same colour as the horns, the wings do not provide much lifting power but they are used to push the dragons through the air, Puffle Fluff dragons can produce and fill their bodies with helium causing them to float much like a balloon. To come back down they release that helium by burning it off meaning they belch flame.

As mentioned above these dragons will roam in small groups ranging from five to ten as they have large appetites and sharing a meal between too many mouths will result in someone going hungry. Despite this a lone Puffle Fluff is an oddity among the smaller dragons yet is the general norm for the giant Puffle. The dragons that are more serious in nature tend to leave their groups once they become too large and they cannot best the current leader, they may find another group to join or take over a group. Despite having leaders there is no monopoly over the females or males, a female Puffle can become a leader although this results in her losing her desire to breed. A leader can also be ousted should the group decide they are leading poorly, unable to find food/shelter/nesting sites. The babies are hatched from eggs and grow rapidly as they must keep up with the ever roaming group.

The right to mate extends to all individuals among the groups, outsiders are not permitted to mate without the consent of the current leader. This does not mean they pair up and mate for life, males and dominant females will duel for the purpose of wooing a potential mate with displays of strength. This can lead to broken horns but never anything more as serious wounds can cripple and nobody wishes to tempt fate in the wild as a cripple. While these displays take place during breeding it is not out of the norm for the serious Puffle Fluff's to flex muscle in order to burn off steam.

Because of their large appetites and need to be in constant motion they are not often domesticated or even desired, although there are some farmers that have managed to tame them and use them as herders. They are often hunted due to a pest label as well as for their fur and horns. Even though they carry the pest label they have low numbers as they have short breeding windows and usually mate twice a year so as to prevent large amounts of competition for food.

Their diet consists of small mammals, birds and fish although the giants can and do go after larger prey which can include dogs and cats. A group of Puffle Fluff dragons will go after larger prey items and use pack hunting to take it down, this can include ponies and young offspring such as lambs, calves and foals.

These dragons tend to stay close to the ground and rarely go into mountains or hilly areas, they can be typically found roaming forests, open fields, near rivers and lakes and most any flat land.

Due to the thick fluffy fur they are prone to heat so they tend to avoid overly warm areas and places with few water sources this often puts them in conflict with humans.
© 2016 - 2024 pie-lord
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